The Promenade at Bella Trae

Countdown to the Spring Gazebo Party

Thursday, March 13th

  • One week to our Spring Party at the gazebo! We hope you’ll plan to join us! We’ll have light snacks, desserts and soft drinks for you to enjoy.

  • Oscar will be our maintenance engineer this week. He will be on site today from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

  • Yesterday the board planted some ground cover plants in some empty beds behind a couple of units. The goal is to have the plants creep and fill in the blank space. We’ll be keeping an eye on them.

  • REMINDER: All boxes thrown into the compactor must be flattened or broken down.

  • If you need to assistance with a concern, contact our CAM Carlos with First Service at: or at First Service 24/7 Phone Number: 866.378.1099

All Pictures have been taken inside the gate of Promenade. If you have a picture that you have taken inside our community feel free to send it our way and be featured on our Picture Of the Day Click here to email

Promenade 1 Board Meeting Feb. 27, 2025 6PM

Our Resident of the Week

Robert (Bob) Young

(pictured with wife Orsina and daughter Melissa)

When did you purchase your Promenades home? We moved here in 2010 and purchased our condo in 2011 when we decided that this is where we wanted to live.

Where did you move here from? We moved from Pennsylvania, outside of Philadelphia, and often talked about moving to be near Walt Disney World and try for part-time jobs there. We first visited Disney World the year it opened and returned almost every year since.

What do you enjoy about Central Florida? We enjoy the climate of Central Florida and definitely don’t miss the ice and snow.

What do you dislike about Central Florida? The only complaint that I have about Central Florida is the traffic. Fortunately, being retired, I can schedule appointments for lighter traffic times.

Do you have any favorite spots to visit in the area? If we have visitors and want to take them to our favorite places, it would be Celebration, Mount Dora or Disney Springs.

Our Pet of the Month

Sir Raffles

Meet Sir Raffles, (named after the founder of Singapore)! I call him Raffy. A friend found him abandoned as a baby under some bushes in Miami. After a somewhat traumatic move here six years ago, he is now 9 1/2 years old and doing great. He loves being in HIS lanai watching the bunnies and the squirrels.

*Raffy and his human, Hanne Matthews live on Foster.

*Prom 1 Board Meeting on Thursday

Mar. 27th at 6:00 p.m.

Engage on Facebook

As board members we encourage you to engage on the Promenade One Facebook page. We embrace the online community, where residents can reach out, exchange information, and voice concerns. If you’re not in the online community, click the button below and join us.